
Forensic & Investigative

Forensic & Investigative

We will be attentive, meticulous, and scrupulous in transforming your risks to successes.

It’s an old cliché, but it’s undeniably true: it is better to be safe than to be sorry.

When your organization encounters potential threats like fraud, corruption, or legal challenges, it’s essential to take proactive and constructive steps to address these issues effectively. In addition, it’s crucial for organizations to approach risk and compliance in a constructive manner in order to be well-equipped to handle crises and scrutiny. This involves actively ensuring legal, ethical, and regulatory compliance and establishing resilient governance frameworks that are fully integrated into the organization’s operations.

ASICO’s forensic services professionals excel at mitigating and resolving high-risk matters involving investigations, forensic technology, analytics, and forensic accounting. Additionally, they specialize in helping organizations create and integrate governance frameworks to effectively retain value.

Our team of highly experienced forensic accountants, each possessing deep expertise in financial investigation and analysis, works in close partnership with legal practitioners and professionals from diverse disciplines. This collaborative approach allows for meticulous and comprehensive investigations into suspected fraud, whether it involves individuals or organizations. Through the meticulous application of accounting principles and investigative techniques, our team is dedicated to uncovering and addressing fraudulent activities with the highest level of accuracy and precision


Our Approach

Our team of financial audit, accounting, and investigation experts offers advanced techniques to scrutinize transactions, detect anomalies, and assess your organization’s integrity. You get the opportunity to experience next-level financial analysis services that surpass conventional audits, ensuring comprehensive and accurate results. Our approach effectively mitigates, detects, and responds to fraud while reinforcing solid and effective internal controls, improvising risk management practices, and fostering a culture of integrity.

To fortify the financial stability of your organization and uphold stakeholder confidence, we specialize in assisting with the development and implementation of a thorough fraud and corruption control framework. This framework includes the assessment of current control mechanisms, the establishment of proactive risk management strategies, and the creation of robust internal controls. By leveraging industry best practices, we aim to provide tailored solutions that address the specific fraud and corruption risks faced by your organization.